Then tell me to my fucking face. I'm tired of my stuff getting shot off the front pages, making way for a bunch of shit. Seriously. such as one of my best songs, Virtuism. It got zero-bombed like a mother fucker. And then ALL my ambient songs get shot down, which I personally think are some of my best, and they got shot down in the ambient section leaving nothing but mostly shit on the front page, like Breathe-easy. Many poor quality songs there. My music is one of the only things in my life that I am confident about. If you can honestly look me in the eye, and tell me that you think my music is crap, then I might give you some damn respect. Seriously. This is total BS. How would you assholes like it if YOUR stuff got zero-bombed? I'm not saying ALL my music is good, cuz its not, but I'm confident enough to say that I know SOME of them are great.
No idea who you are, but I've listened to many of your songs in the last hour and I rather like tham :<
Peeps gonna hate :P I'm making a game by the way, a serious game called Fire Emblem: Phoenix Saga (It's planned to be a trilogy, as a matter of fact) and if you like, we could use a musician or two on the team.
Official topic is here. <a href=""> ndex.php?showtopic=52354&st=20&am p;start=20</a>
I used to have an account on NG, but that was 4 years ago, I released a single flash game (Lol it sucked) and then I gorgot what the account was even called. Hell, it doesn't even seem to exist anymore. Anyway, if you'd like to contribute music, I'm currently looking for classical themed music, and I have a lot of great sad stuff and creepy themes as well, but I really need something happier sounding. You up for a gig?
Reali-tGlitch (Updated )
Classical theme, and happy... I'll give it a go. Have you heard my song Terra Demonicus? I made that one as the theme for an MMORPg my little brother wanted to make that failed (not surprisingly).
Would you like them uploaded here, or directly to you so that you have exclusive rights?