Who else agrees that Pinky Pie's hair is much better looking this way?
Who else agrees that Pinky Pie's hair is much better looking this way?
Great stuff
Well made. Good animation, wonderfully hilarious script.
Nice job
But let me just be redundant: work on clarity. Get a better mic, and obviously your animation could use work, but it's off to a great start. Keep it up.
Great script, btw.
Very original
I like it quite a bit.
Also, I see my music in your newgrounds credits, but not in the video credits, nor do I really hear the music in it.
OMG! Sorry about that! I corrected it in the newgrounds credits! ( I downloaded your song and liked it so much I guess I subconsciously put it in the credits by mistake, no harm meant!)
While very abrupt
I do enjoy it quite a lot. It has a good amount of humor in what time it gets. Well animated, too.
XD just great
One of the funniest fan vids I've seen. Do you like bananas? Cuz I punched your mother in the vagina last night! That's right! I was at the circus!
One of the greatest lines I've ever seen.
This is one of the funniest sprite flashes I've ever seen. Greatly exceeded my expectations, especially considering I didn't particularly care for the previous one. Well done, good sirs. Well animated, and very funny.
Pachebel's Canon (thanks, below), eh?
It's really good for beat boxing to. And then that other beat came in and ruined it. The beat I had going sounded much better. Oh well.
Boring visuals for the most part, and... not that great of a story. At least, i wasn't to into it.
Thanks for using my music :)
Though, I never quite expected put into something ASDF related o_o.
I figured it would have to be a little more melodic.
Interesting crossover, btw. Not bad at all.
Well glad you appreciate it!
And thus
The idea of Wal-Mart-Black Friday deaths was born.
I am Reali-tGlitch/Echo Ex Machina/Phrieksho. I have been making music officially since 07, technically since 04. As Phrieksho I stream on Twitch and make gaming related content. Aspiring voice actor, feel free to contact!
Age 31, Male
Westlake High School (2012)
Seattle, WA
Joined on 1/16/07